My general research interests are in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics and High Performance computing. Currently, I am developing high-order CFD solvers with applications to large-scale problems such as wind farm simulations or rotorcraft simulations. I am also widely interested in mathematics, both pure and applied.
Enabling High-Order Methods for Extreme-Scale Simulations
Doctoral Disseration, Defended 9 February 2018, Laramie, WY.
Wind Turbine Wake Dynamics Analysis Using a High-Fidelity Simulation Framework with Blade-Resolved Turbine Models. A. Kirby, A. Hassanzadeh, D. Mavriplis, and J. Naughton. AIAA Paper 2018-0256, 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee FL, January 2018.
Visualization and Data Analytics Challenges of Large-Scale High-Fidelity Numerical Simulations of Wind Energy Applications. A. Kirby, Z. Yang, D. Mavriplis, E. Duque, and B. Whitlock. AIAA Paper 2018-1171, 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee FL, January 2018.
Wind Farm Simulations Using an Overset hp-Adaptive Approach with Blade-Resolved Turbine Models. A. Kirby, M. Brazell, Z. Yang, R. Roy, B. Ahrabi, D. Mavriplis, J. Sitaraman, and M. Stoellinger. AIAA Paper 2017-3958, 23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Denver CO, June 2017.
A High-order Discontinuous-Galerkin Octree-Based AMR Solver for Overset Simulations . M. Brazell, A. Kirby, and D. Mavriplis. AIAA Paper 2017-3944, 23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Denver CO, June 2017.
An Overset Adaptive High-Order Approach for Blade-Resolved Wind Energy Applications. A. Kirby, M. Brazell, J. Sitaraman, and D. Mavriplis. AHS Forum 72, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2016.
A Multi-Solver Overset Mesh Approach for 3D Mixed Element Variable Order Discretizations. M. Brazell, A. Kirby, J. Sitaraman, and D. Mavriplis. AIAA Paper 2016-2053, 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 2016.
An Adaptive Explicit 3D Discontinuous Galerkin Solver for Unsteady Problems. A. Kirby, D. Mavriplis, and A. Wissink. AIAA Paper 2015-3046, 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics, Dallas, TX, June 2015.
An Adaptive Explicit 3D Discontinuous Galerkin Solver for Unsteady Problems. M. Brazell, M. Brazell, M. Stoellinger, D. Mavriplis, and A. Kirby. AIAA Paper 2015-0060, 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, January 2015.
Technical Reports
Development of an Ozone Inhalation Model. A. Bernstein, A. Kirby, A. McLean, and A. Rodenberg. Presented at Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA, January 2012.
Research Gallery
Time to Solution for CartDG strong scaling to over 1 million MPI ranks
Strong scale percentage for CartDG to over 1 million MPI ranks
Overset flow solution of flow over a sphere at Reynolds number 1000